NSU Wireless Network
Connect to Wi-Fi networks using your university account on the NSU campus and around the world
Do you use Wi-Fi on the university campus or have you gone to another research and educational center in another city or another country? Eduroam offers unrestricted access to the Internet.
This is an international service that allows students and scientists from all over the world to get free, safe, wireless access to the Internet from their laptop or mobile device via Wi-Fi on the territory of any university participating in the project.
Thanks to NSU's connection to the Eduroam service, it is no longer necessary to use publicly accessible guest accounts or log in through an insecure web interface. Students, employees, and researchers who visit a foreign university use their home university accounts to connect to Wi-Fi and get fast, convenient, and secure Internet access.
Thanks to global agreements, Eduroam Wi-Fi roaming services are free for users.
International Wi-Fi roaming for the scientific and educational community
Where can you connect?
There are more than 10,000 access points to Eduroam that are located in universities, research centers, academies, schools, and colleges - and other research and educational institutions in more than 100 regions around the world. Eduroam is continuing to develop access points in new places: libraries and museums, even at train stations, airports, and cafes.
connections per year
Devices connect to the network automatically
802.1X encryption standard provides maximum protection
Over a billion
Step 1
You must have a university account.
Change the password if you have not changed it during the year. You can change your password here.
If you are an employee or student at NSU, but you do not have a university account, you can get it in room 4222 in NSU's new building or write to support@nsu.ru.
How to connect?
Step 2
Select "eduroam" from the list of available Wi-Fi networks.
Step 3
Enter your username and password from the university account in the authorization form fields.
The username (login) must be indicated with your full e-mail address, for example: user@post.nsu.ru.
Step 4
If the device does not automatically connect, then you need to specify "eduroam" network connection settings:
SSID (network name) - eduroam
Network Authentication Type - WPA2 Enterprise
Data Encryption Method - AES
User Authentication Options:
Authentication Protocol Type - EAP-TTLS / EAP-PEAP
Authentication Method - EAP / MS-CHAPv2 / GTC
While you are on the NSU campus, any user can connect to the Guest Wi-Fi Network by logging in using a mobile phone.

Open NSU Guest Network
How to connect?
Step 1
Select the Guest network from the list of available Wi-Fi networks.
Step 2
On the authorization page, enter your phone number. If the authorization page does not appear, open the browser page http://wifi.nsu.ru/.
Step 3
Confirm the phone number by calling the toll free number.
© 2019 Novosibirsk State University
All rights reserved
Address: 1, Pirogova str., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Phone: +7 (383) 363-43-33
Fax: +7 (383) 363-42-80
Support: support@nsu.ru
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